AAC Awareness Month 2024

Access to AAC is fundamental to AssistiveWare’s mission. From October 9 to 16, 2024, we are offering a discount on a selection of our most popular AAC apps to expand this access to families, individuals, and schools on a budget.

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Otter's Journey: Discovering language with Proloquo

Watch the story of Otter - a curious, non-speaking young explorer, as he begins to navigate the world of language with the AssistiveWare Proloquo AAC app.

What is AAC?

Find out more about Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), and how to support people who cannot rely on speaking.

A girl with light hair and motor disability reaching towards a screen. An older adult woman is sitting beside her smiling.

AssistiveWare proudly supports “This Is Not About Me”

Autistic and non-speaking. Stuck in an educational system that has given up on you. Restrained or rewarded with candy. This is Jordyn Zimmerman’s story and it is shared by so many other students.
This is why AssistiveWare is a proud supporting partner of the film This Is Not About Me.

"This is not about me" on yellow background. A film by Marco Niemejer. A story about growing up non-speaking,