AssistiveWare Milestones
2002-2008: Developed the first full suite of universal access solutions for people with motor, vision and speech disabilities for Mac OS X.
2009: Released Proloquo2Go, the first full-featured Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) app for iOS.
2012: Co-created the first genuine text-to-speech children’s voices, so nonspeaking children can sound like children.
2015: Created the first truly bilingual AAC (Proloquo2Go) so bilingual AAC users can express themselves fully.
2016: AssistiveWare Core Word Classroom was born. Over 10,000 people use this resource today to learn AAC best practices.
2018: Launched Learn AAC, a section of our website with a freely-accessible collection of AAC articles in four languages.
2019: Released simPODD, the first English PODD solution that brings the digital page sets and printing together in one app.
2021: Released This Is Not About Me—a documentary centering on the growing-up experience of non-speaking advocate Jordyn Zimmerman.
2022: Launched Proloquo and Proloquo Coach globally in English with five data-driven, locally relevant vocabularies for United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, and UK and Ireland.