Autism Acceptance Month Discount 2021

  • 2 minute read

Access to communication is a right that has been eroded in the stress of the pandemic. That’s why to mark Autism Acceptance Month this year; we will offer our traditional discount of 50% off to more products for an extended period.

Access to communication is a fundamental right

The pandemic and lockdowns across the globe have disrupted daily routines, reduced access to medical and other support services, caused anxiety and job loss, and confined people to their homes. Additionally, many families have lost loved ones. Autistic people in general and AAC users, in particular, have been disproportionally affected by all these developments. On top of that, school closures have negatively affected access to AAC. Students, teachers, and therapists often no longer have access to school-provided devices.

Seeing these trends unfold, we didn’t sit idle - throughout 2020 we undertook many activities to support the AAC community. 
We also know that many school and family budgets have been hard hit by the pandemic. So AssistiveWare wants to make it easier to purchase AAC for home or teletherapy use.

Autism Acceptance Month Discount

To make purchasing easier for families, individuals, and schools on a budget, this April we will offer our traditional discount for a longer period.

Starting the 30th March until and including 6th April 2021 we’re offering our usual 50% discount on our apps as well as our on-demand AAC videos to improve AAC skills across the board.

In addition to Proloquo2Go, the Gateway vocabulary, Proloquo4Text, Keeble, and Pictello on iOS, we are also discounting our Mac apps. The Mac versions of Proloquo2Go and Proloquo4Text are ideal for teletherapy. We hope they will help the many SLPs still struggling in lockdown.

Save the date!

The 50% discount will be in effect worldwide starting Tuesday, 30th March through Tuesday, April 6th. You will not need a discount code to take advantage of this - you’ll see the updated price in the App Store.

Don’t forget the volume purchase discount.

The discount also applies to Apple’s Educational Volume Purchase Program (VPP). When your school or educational organization purchases 20 copies or more, you get an additional 50% off. That’s a total of 75% off!


Do you have a question about the upcoming discount? Not sure which devices are supported? Our Support team is here to help. You can get reach them 24/7 at

Good to know

The discount percentage is based on the US App Store. Exact prices vary from country to country. Bundles will not be discounted during this promotion.

simPODD is not included in this offer as it already has a trial month, and you can get a two-month discount when you choose the annual subscription.

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