An overview of the Do's and Don'ts of AAC

  • 2 minute read

Implementing Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) is not easy so we created a poster and overview series of blog posts about the do's and don'ts of implementing AAC.

There are AAC practices that lead to better outcomes for every AAC user.

There are also practices that lead to poorer outcomes for those same individuals. As we always focus on communication for all, we felt it was important to address both the do's and don'ts together. Sometimes addressing only the good practices might mean the bad ones don’t get tackled too!

Below we list the essential do's and don'ts with accompanying blog posts or articles to read for more in-depth information.


Aim high Demand prerequisite skills
Use a well-designed,
comprehensive vocabulary (core vocabulary or PODD)
Provide an AAC system with only a handful of choices
Make sure AAC
is available all day, every day
Limit access to the AAC system
multimodal communication
Say "now use your talker"
Use the
AAC system to talk yourself
Expect the AAC user to communicate without you modelling how
Focus on key
words when modeling
Think you always need to model grammatically correct sentences
Allow exploration and access to the whole vocabulary Create custom pages for specific activities
Provide wait
Do all the talking
Ask open-ended
Ask questions the AAC user knows you already know the answer to
Describe what
you want to say using core words
Focus on adding lots of vocabulary

Remember, communication is a human right, fundamental to literacy development and participation in education, and occurs all day, every day. We are all responsible for making sure this happens for everyone.

Get the poster

Download the AAC Do's and Don'ts poster

View the presentation given by David Niemeijer and Jane Farrall at AGOSCI 2015 that inspired this blog post series and poster.

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