

Accessibility requires more than technology
GAAD is not just about celebrating achievements.It is also about raising awareness about accessibility and the work that lies ahead. In this article, we look at often overlooked aspect of accessibility - access.
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Autism acceptance? Not without autistic voices!
Autism acceptance is more than accepting the existence of autism. Autism acceptance is acknowledging the true experts on autism are autistic people. We cannot celebrate Autism Acceptance Month without using our platform to give the stage to autistic people.
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Autism Acceptance Month Discount 2021
Access to communication is a right that has been eroded in the stress of the pandemic. That’s why to mark Autism Acceptance Month this year; we will offer our traditional discount of 50% off to more products for an extended period.
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AAC data collection and privacy
AAC users have an absolute right to privacy of conversation. That is at odds with current practice in language data collection. This blog post calls for data collection that respects the privacy of AAC users.
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AAC parents and professionals working together
How can we create the most suitable circumstances for an AAC user to succeed? How do we communicate and collaborate at home and in school? Our kids win when we can find ways to work together. By listening, engaging, and encouraging, both parents and professionals can help our AAC users thrive together.
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AAC Awareness Month 2020: Exploring AAC buzzwords
To help us all get our heads around the common jargon we share, we have compiled a lists of over 20 AAC buzzwords. This compilation includes definitions of commonly used terms such as presume competence, modeling and attributing meaning. Each buzzword is clearly explained with some key tips and reminders. Share our buzzwords within your teams.
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AAC Awareness Month Discount 2020
With everything that is going on in the world, access to AAC is more important than ever. That’s why for AAC Awareness Month, we will have a 5-day discount and include more apps than ever.
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