Blogs with tag AAC at home


To my fellow AAC parents - protect the parent/child bond
While learning how to become a supportive communication partner for your child, you need to protect your relationship with your child. Pam Harris, AAC coach and mom of an adult AAC user coaches parents to protect the parent/child bond above all else and shares how. This article is part of AssistiveWare’s team collaboration series, focusing on how all members of the AAC team can work together.
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AAC parents and professionals working together
How can we create the most suitable circumstances for an AAC user to succeed? How do we communicate and collaborate at home and in school? Our kids win when we can find ways to work together. By listening, engaging, and encouraging, both parents and professionals can help our AAC users thrive together.
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Using AAC to talk about emotions
How did you learn to label your emotional state as “sad” or “tired”? This blog is full of strategies for teaching the spoken words for feelings - especially for AAC users.
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Roleplaying Games and AAC
Proloquo2Go and Proloquo4Text user Darla talks about her love for roleplaying games. Darla explains why they’re a perfect method to teach social and communication skills, all with the help of AAC!
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Top strategies for using AAC at home
Communication does not stop at home or at school. Successful communication happens when people with communication difficulties can use their AAC system in all environments. Find strategies for using AAC at home in this blog post.
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