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Practice adding the iPad to the routine

1 minute read

Step 3: Practice adding the iPad to the routine

Now, it's time to practice having the iPad with you during the routine. The iPad needs to be within your and the AAC user's reach. That's all you need to do.

Do not encourage or discourage the AAC user if they choose to explore Proloquo during this routine.

You are responsible for having the iPad with you in this routine. Everyone needs to get used to the iPad being there. You may be surprised by how challenging this can be in the beginning. It’s going to take a few days to get comfortable with this.

Don’t worry about using Proloquo with the AAC user just yet.

Today is day 1. Think about the routine you chose and make sure the iPad is right there in that routine - close to you and the AAC user.

Remember: When I ……, I will have the iPad with me.

Nothing more and nothing less.

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What is Proloquo Coach?

You received this article from our app Proloquo Coach. It is a personalized coaching app developed specifically for parents of Proloquo users to use in combination with Proloquo. Proloquo Coach helps guide parents on their AAC(Augmentative and Alternative Communication) journey. Proloquo Coach makes AAC easier by breaking everything down into small actionable steps that start you on the right path towards better communication.

More about Proloquo

Proloquo is AssistiveWare’s newest addition to its family of communication apps. Proloquo is an easy and straightforward AAC app that is easy to use for both children and their parents. It is based on extensive clinical research and is the only AAC that focuses on teaching vocabulary and literacy.
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