Proloquo and Proloquo Coach for clinicians and AAC professionals

It can be hard work to evaluate and select the best AAC solution for your clients and students. This at-a-glance resource summarizes the essential features of Proloquo and Proloquo Coach.


From first steps in AAC to expert users, Proloquo meets the diverse needs of people who need AAC to communicate. It is based on decades of research and anonymous data from thousands of AAC users with a broad range of communication disabilities.

Proloquo Coach

Proloquo Coach prepares families and educators to support clients and students who are learning language through AAC. It teaches AAC in easily readable chunks and bite-sized practice.

Proloquo's basic features

01 size of grid icon
Grid size

Proloquo has a single grid size of 48 symbol buttons. Out of the box, it is ready to help you teach a young user or support an advanced one.

02 full keyboard icon
Full keyboard

Proloquo includes a QWERTY keyboard to support literacy instruction and access to spelling.

03 Symbol Stix icon
Symbol library

Proloquo provides over 25,000 graphic symbols from SymbolStix, appropriate for all ages.

04 Button icon
Button size

The symbol buttons are larger in size than the icons on the iPad home screen. If your client or student can operate an iPad, then they can operate Proloquo.

05 i Phone and i Pad icon
For Apple iPad and iPhone

Proloquo is available as a mobile app for iPad and iPhone. Check your device compatibility on the App Store.

Proloquo slp screenshot 1 2x
AssistiveWare Proloquo's Home Screen (light mode)

What are the unique advantages of Proloquo?

Proloquo offers unique advantages to everyone on the AAC support team

Proloquo frees families to live, talk, and play together

Proloquo provides the words for the topics families talk about. They can easily add their own personal words and pictures.

Proloquo helps families with its partner app, Proloquo Coach. Mom and dad can learn about AAC in clear, easy chapters, practice their skills and enjoy developing new habits.

Practice activities are fun, motivating, and easy to integrate into busy family/school life.


Proloquo frees users to explore their ideas

Proloquo's Thinking Space™ gives AAC users a flexible area where they can organize and explore their thoughts, whether they’re working through ideas on their own or communicating with someone else. No more getting stuck in a rigid, linear sentence structure—this space is all about freedom and creativity.

Thinking Space

Proloquo frees clinicians to focus on implementation

Proloquo's robust vocabulary means clinicians can focus on supporting AAC users and their partners rather than building page sets. Language therapy with your youngest clients is simple with easy access to core words and topic folders. For more mature clients, quick access to grammatical morphemes and sophisticated vocabulary will streamline your practice.


Proloquo frees educators to focus on teaching

Proloquo’s robust academic vocabulary provides the words teachers need such as all the target vocabulary from special education curriculums like Readtopia and ReadtopiaGo.

Proloquo's unique design is built to support vocabulary instruction and concept development.

With Proloquo's consistent page set and logical fringe words categories, modeling AAC for multiple students is easy.

Jane Farrall

A re-imagining of what we know about comprehensive AAC, using a deceptively simple interface that still provides the user with access to a robust language system.

Jane Farrall, SLP and Special Educator


01 Total number of words icon
Vocabulary size

Proloquo’s Crescendo Evolution™ vocabulary has over 16,000 words—four times more than other AAC systems. Young users have easy access to common first words and topics, while advanced users will appreciate the broad range of the vocabulary.

02 Efficient access to core and fringe words icon
Efficient access to core and fringe words

Proloquo's large vocabulary is extremely efficient, with an average of just 1.6 taps per word to say common phrases.

03 Related words icon
Related Words

The unique and innovative text-only Related Words are like a built-in thesaurus. Users with early word identification skills can grow their vocabulary as they learn to read. Users can add their own, personally-important Related Words.

04 Motor planning icon
Supports motor planning

The consistent location of words on the fixed grid makes motor learning easy and promotes automaticity.

05 Pragmatics icon

Proloquo's Home Screen makes it quick and easy to express all communication functions, from requesting and refusing to commenting and questioning.

06 Robust grammar icon
Robust grammar and syntax support

Grammatical inflections are always available as advanced users apply the conventions of English. But grammar support is unobtrusive, allowing young users to focus on the symbol buttons.

Focus Mode

Proloquo’s Focus Mode™ highlights specific words by using light and motion to guide attention without limiting the vocabulary. Unlike shrinking the grid or deleting buttons, it keeps the full vocabulary accessible while reducing prompt dependency and encouraging independent communication. Teach motor planning, create activity-specific displays, and improve AAC assessments. With more natural learning opportunities, Focus mode helps AAC users build confidence and success in communication.

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AssistiveWare Proloquo with describing words tab selected (dark mode)

Beyond the basics

Proloquo is more than a highly efficient, research-based vocabulary in a user-friendly layout. Explore the features that make Proloquo a next-generation AAC solution that can have a real impact on your client's lives.

Easy to bring everyone on board

01 Beyond the basics Share the whole app
Share the app for free

Everyone on the AAC user's team has FREE access to Proloquo with the user's vocabulary and Proloquo Coach. No hidden fees or extra payments.

02 Beyond the basics Easy edit
Easy edit, backup and restore

Proloquo's data is securely stored in the cloud, so any edits are instantly shared with all other devices on the AAC user's team. Backing up and restoring is fast and easy.

Easy to personalize

03 Beyond the basics Easy to add new words
Easy to add new words

Proloquo has ample room to add words that are meaningful and important to each individual AAC user.

03 Beyond the basics Decide who does what
You are in control

Assign roles to team members and decide who can use the vocabulary, edit it, or add new members to the team.

04 Beyond the basics Voice options
Voice options

With Proloquo, the AAC user has access to nearly 50 natural-sounding Text-to-Speech voices from Acapela. All AAC voices are included in the product and available at any time, at no extra cost.

Easy to fit

06 Beyond the basics Diverse vocabulary
Inclusive vocabulary

Young children will find the words they need to talk about themselves and their personal interests. As they grow, they will find the words to talk about a wide range of topics, affirm their identity, and participate in all aspects of society.

05 Beyond the basics Age neutral vocavulary
Age-neutral vocabulary

Proloquo's vocabulary does not need to be swapped or upgraded as a child grows. As the largest AAC vocabulary on the market, it is capable of supporting a user over the lifespan, from sharing their first words to fluent, sophisticated language.

Proloquo Coach

Proloquo Coach helps families and teachers to support anyone learning to use AAC.

  • Simple text in bite-sized chunks makes learning how to support AAC easy.
  • Reinforce knowledge with quizzes.
  • Get motivational notifications and reminders to keep going.
  • Choose a learning stream and see examples relevant to the home or classroom.
  • Get personalized feedback from AssistiveWare’s team of parents, educators, and clinicians.
Screens Coach screens

Who is a good match for Proloquo?

This section is a guide to the operational demands of Proloquo.

Motor and visual abilities

01 Who does it fit Direct access
Direct access

All elements in Proloquo are accessed with a single tap. No long press, double tap, or swiping. No steep learning curve or hidden functionality. Target sizes were designed so that anyone who can independently operate an iPad can use Proloquo.

02 Who does it fit Color coded buttons
Color-coded buttons

The symbol buttons in the core word navigation tabs are logically organized and color-coded by the function of the word in a sentence. This provides a visual cue for AAC users and their partners to easily find words.

03 Who does it fit Dark mode
Light and dark mode

Proloquo has been optimized for both light and dark mode to offer a greater contrast to those who need it. Symbols were selected for visual contrast and to ensure they are easy to distinguish.

Free Proloquo AAC Professional license

If you work with AAC as a:

  • Speech and Language Pathologist or Therapist or SLPA
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Assistive Technology Specialist
  • AAC coach
  • Board Certified Behavior Analyst

or you’re a student in any of these disciplines, you can use Proloquo and Proloquo Coach for free. Find out if you are eligible and apply today!

02 Call to action block SLP