Sometimes, an App Store subscription to Proloquo may not meet your requirements. In this case, you can get a license directly from AssistiveWare.

If you’re moving from an App Store subscription to a license, please follow the steps below to avoid being charged twice, and ensure you don’t lose your customizations.

1. First, cancel your current App Store subscription’s auto-renewal.

—See for the instructions.

Your Proloquo will continue working until your current subscription period ends.

2. Purchase a Proloquo license using your AssistiveWare Account from:

3. Once the subscription period expires, you will see the option to “Log in or Restore Purchases.”

—Log in using the AssistiveWare Account that holds the license you purchased

—Select the AAC User’s team. If you have multiple licenses, select the license you purchased for the AAC User. Proloquo is now ready for use.